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Rabobank: Acceleration in economic growth to continue in 2016
The Dutch economy will grow by 1 3/4% in 2015 and 2016. If geopolitical tensions do not escalate further and confidence recovers, growth could be even higher. This is needed because of the damage caused by the crisis in recent years, from which the Netherlands has not yet fully recovered. The …

Press release annual results 2014
Rabobank: 2014 a positive turning pointRabobank Group realised net profit of EUR 1,842 million in 2014 (2013: EUR 2,007 million). The underlying result rose strongly in 2014 compared to 2013, when there was a net positive effect on the result from non-recurring items.Significant cost reduction …

Rabobank: Innovations that will shape the future of the food industry
Lack of growth, price pressure from food retailers and changing consumer behaviour are all creating a challenging environment for the foods sector. New technologies and innovations such as 3D printed food, algae and insects as a form of protein, wearable technology and smart shopping tools have the …

Rabobank: rise in house prices and sales to continue
The Dutch housing market will continue to grow in 2015. The number of homes sold is expected to reach between 150,000 and 170,000, while house prices will rise by between 1 and 3% compared to 2014. This is the view of the Rabobank economists in their Dutch Housing Market Quarterly published today. …

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